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We Build Network That Keep Your Data
Private !

Decentralized, anonymous and private. What more ?

Easy to use

Everything done by itself! In just a few clicks you are connected to the network.

Internal Communication

Need a cat? internal API? Is it all on a network that doesn't spy on you? Then you are in the right place

Anonymous Cloud

Data hosting is currently essential. So we have to do it, but above all we have to protect it.

What We Do Best

Create your own private network

A private network that is easy to use and secure. The network is isolated from the outside and only leaves it on the internet when it is asked to do so.

See our Docs

What We Do Best

Create Your Own App over the network

Blanche Neige allows you to create a private network. This can be used by your software and algorithm which must be deployed on a secure layer of your network

See our code exemples (soon)

Join the community

Contribute to the project by sharing your ideas and thoughts. And why not start using Blanche Neige ?

We Build Network That Keep Your Data Private 💗 And we do it with the best security 🔒

Blanche Neige Funder